Writing a Book That Creates a Million Dollar Business

February 03 13:10 2025

The following is an excerpt from the book, The Million Dollar Book: The Ultimate Blueprint for Writing a 7-Figure Business Book. The author, Steve Gordon, is a 2-time entrepreneur, bestselling author, marketing strategist, consultant, speaker, and founder of Million Dollar Author™, where he and his team help ambitious entrepreneurs get more credibility, land more clients, and create “category of one” positioning using a bestselling book in 90 days.

When you follow the process I share with you for writing, publishing, and promoting your book, you will transform your business. Your book will become the catalyst for generating a million dollars or more in new revenue for your business.

Steve Gordon is the author of The Million Dollar Book

One book has that power.

As my client Charlie Moon discovered within two weeks of publishing his book — “People Just See You Differently When You Have a Book.”

I wrote my first million-dollar business book — Unstoppable Referrals — in 2014. I knew at the time that having a book would help establish my authority and help attract clients. I had no idea just how transformational it would be.

In days, thousands of potential clients had a copy of my book in their hands. Within a year, our business doubled. And doubled again the next. In the eight years since I published that first book, it has directly led to over four million dollars in new revenue, and it’s still going.

Publishing that first book resulted in invitations to paid speaking gigs worth thousands of dollars each, and the expansion of our firm from a small local firm to one with global clients.

And, as I write this introduction to you, we still receive new leads and clients from that very first book, a decade later. Just within the last two weeks that eight-year-old book brought in $10,000 in new revenue, from prospects who each got a copy over five years ago. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving.

I’ve written this book to solve three particular dangers you face in the business of expertise.

Danger #1: The Commoditization of Expertise and The Great Sorting

Expertise entrepreneurs face a new, real, and growing danger. For the first time in human history, knowledge and wisdom are no longer scarce and are rapidly becoming commoditized.

This is a scary trend for experts — doctors, attorneys, consultants, financial advisors, agencies, and professionals of every stripe. For the first time, you’re seeing significant pricing pressure in all areas of the expertise business. Not only is there increased competition, but many forms of expertise are being coded into AI driven algorithms and delivered at worldwide scale for pennies.

The Great Sorting

As a result of the explosion of competition and cheap access to expertise, we’re seeing “The Great Sorting” of the experts happen in real time. There are two groups:

Pair-of-Hands Experts

Million-Dollar Experts

The experts who keep doing what they’ve always done will be pushed into the position of being little more than a commoditized “pair of hands.” The legal profession has been hit especially hard by this reality. If I need a contract for my business, I used to go to the esteemed firm in town that I had a relationship with. It was expensive, and there weren’t a lot of alternatives.

Now, if I need a contract drawn up, I can go to that firm, but why pay big fees when I can get the same thing from an attorney operating online, across the country for a fraction? Or why not just go to one of the dozens of websites that provide a very good agreement template for an even smaller fee?

The same is happening in medicine, accounting, consulting, marketing/advertising, and every other expertise-based profession.

Yet, if you look around, you’ll notice that not all experts are being pushed to the bottom. Some are living quite nicely as “million-dollar experts” earning premium fees and only working with the best clients.

Steve Gordon has developed breakthrough strategies to help expert entrepreneurs take their best ideas and package them in a bestselling book

What creates the difference?

Becoming a Million-Dollar Expert (and unlocking premium fees, better clients, and a stronger business)

The key to succeeding as an expert today and going forward is escaping the “pair of hands” trap and taking the position of million-dollar expert and transformational leader in your industry. The safe middle path that existed and allowed a solo expert or owner of a small firm to make a great living in the past is gone, and it’s not coming back.

If you’re content being a commoditized pair-of-hands, there’s nothing wrong with that, but you can stop reading now. This book isn’t for you.

From here on, I’ll assume that you’re seeking to become that million-dollar expert and transformational leader in your industry. That your aspiration is to be on the top side of The Great Sorting, where you’ll attract the best clients who value what you uniquely bring to the table, and enthusiastically pay you a premium for the opportunity to work with you.

Danger #2: The Opportunity Gap

The second big danger isn’t new, but most experts never escape it. It’s The Opportunity Gap. Most expertise businesses suffer from both a lack of opportunity volume and opportunity consistency.

I’ll never forget, I was speaking with one expert — a financial advisor — who was interested in working with our firm and asked him how many potential clients he’d met within the last three months. I almost fell out of my chair when he said… “One.”

When you only have “one” in three months, all of the pressure to sell is on you. And your future client feels it. You have to make the sale because there are no more opportunities in the pipeline. Now, I know this is an extreme example, but my experience after speaking with hundreds of entrepreneurs on similar calls over the last few years is that reality is much closer to this example than you’d think.

The other piece of The Opportunity Gap is a total lack of consistent opportunity flow in most expert businesses. Some months you’ve got several new client leads, and the next month, crickets. It’s impossible to get momentum.

I’m going to show you how to solve both problems using my favorite marketing asset — a book.

Danger #3: The Time Trap

I started selling expertise in 1994 as a newly minted consultant. Back then, the business development blueprint was completely focused on networking to build influential relationships. It worked, but it took a lot of time.

By 2007, I’d taken over that company where I started, moved to a new city where I only knew three people when I arrived (two worked for me), and began to build a new network from scratch.

I attended breakfast meetings, networking lunches, after-hours business mixers, coffee dates with new connections. It was hours and hours and hours. And it worked. But I had a young family and a business to run. It wasn’t sustainable. And it’s not sustainable or scalable for you.

When I began writing and publishing books, I quickly discovered that all of that networking time was unnecessary. I was effectively trying to find a needle in a haystack one coffee date at a time.

My book began bringing me all the opportunities I needed and freed up not hours but days’ worth of time every month.

The third part of this book will show you how to do the same using your book. If you have a family you love and want to spend more time with, I wrote that section for them!

Joining The Million-Dollar Author’s Club

My wish for you is this…

That you’ll not only read this book, but you’ll take action, and in taking action, you’ll join me in the author’s club as a million-dollar author and transformational leader for your niche or industry.

The breakthrough I discovered when I wrote my first book, and that I’ve refined as we’ve written dozens of books now for clients across dozens of industries, is this: The secret that takes you from wanting to write a book to being a million-dollar author is having a system to follow.

In this book, I’m giving you my system for concepting, writing, publishing, and promoting your million-dollar book.

At the end of the book, you’ll have a choice…

Take action, write and publish your million-dollar book, and join the ranks of transformational leaders/authors/authorities who have all the opportunity they want, from clients who value what they do, and who enthusiastically pay premium fees.


Keep doing what you’re doing now and be stuck as a highly educated “pair of hands” working for commodity fees and facing ever-increasing competition and frustration.

It’s up to you.

My job is to give you what you need to be in the first group, so let’s get started!

Steve Gordon speaks about the Million Dollar Author Program (Link)

About Steve Gordon

Steve is the author of five books, including his latest book, The Million Dollar Book: The Ultimate Blueprint for Writing a 7-Figure Business Book, and the Amazon Business #1 bestseller Unstoppable Referrals: 10x Referrals, Half the Effort.

He is a 2-time entrepreneur, bestselling author, marketing strategist, consultant, speaker, and founder of Million Dollar Author™, where he and his team help ambitious entrepreneurs get more credibility, land more clients, and create “category of one” positioning using a bestselling book in 90 days.

He’s developed breakthrough strategies to help expert entrepreneurs take their best ideas and package them in a bestselling book, including:

The Book ATM™

The Ai Audiobook Revolution™

The Inverted Viral Book Launch™

The Unstoppable Referrals Method™

The Book-A-Day Habit™

Be Everywhere Publishing™

The Better Than Ghostwriting Process™

The 30-Minute Ai Podcast™

Steve has helped hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs write their first, second, or even 15th book. People like Wall Street Journal bestselling author Mike Koenigs, New York Times Bestselling Author Roxanne Emmerich, and less famous but equally successful everyday entrepreneurs like John Curry, Devin Sizemore, and Roger Sitkins, and over 200 more just like them.




Find the book on Amazon.com

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Phone: 850-792-2580

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